PP and PSOE are fighting for the Cadiz deputation, where everything depends on an independent
The Provincial Council of Cádiz is candy for the PP and the PSOE who are respectively struggling to consolidate their territorial hegemony in Andalusia or achieve terrible results. The final tally of votes subtracted one deputy from the People’s Party in favor of the Socialists, so that both would be tied with 14 representatives, even if the PP had a greater number of votes.
All in all, the key to seizing institutional power continues to lie in the hands of the independent 100×100 La Línea party, which is the third party with the most votes, with two deputies, followed by IU, with one representative. The leader of that formation and mayor with a new absolute majority, Juan Franco, has not yet defoliated the daisy, despite the fact that in the previous legislature his support for the PSOE was decisive for the socialists taking over the provincial council. If it reissues that pact, the PP would be left with four provincial councils, two more than in 2019, -Almería, Málaga, Córdoba and Huelva- and the PSOE would add a third to those of Seville and Jaén.