after contemplating Silence AND On both sides of the abyss one thing is certain: the allure of evil seems to be one of the most constant and profitable values of the television industry. More prosaically said: the wide offer of the genre is a consequence of the great demand, and in the specific case of the two series mentioned, it should be noted that they are united by the talent of their creators.
Silence (Netflix) is the latest creation of Aitor Gabilondo, responsible for series such as Prince, entrevias or adaptation of Homeland, the novel by Fernando Aramburu, among others: a resume that guarantees a good job. His new proposal is a thriller murky, disturbing and with a progressive capacity of attraction that finds its best ally in the photography of Octavio Arias and Curro Ferreira creating an impeccable visual atmosphere consistent with the story of a psychopath. Rarely has Bilbao, the city where the events take place, been better represented.
German On both sides of the abyss (HBO Max), by Kristin Derfler, is a twist on the detective genre, a dark and disturbing plot of two linked vendettas: that of a policewoman obsessed with finding her daughter’s killer, who enjoys unwarranted probation, and that of the murderer who wants to settle accounts with those who cruelly abused him in his childhood. Hard stories that mix with neo-Nazi groups and in which the lines between good and evil are diluted with the passage of six chapters of an excellent series. In reality, the harshness of the two fictions is in keeping with the times we live in: just leaf through the newspapers or watch the news.
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